0418 710 790

Frequently Asked Questions

We deliver to all hotels, apartments and private houses from Noosa to Caloundra.

The delivery rate is between $10-$20 depending on location, and this includes the pick up.

Deliveries are done between 10am and 4pm

No deposit or bond is required, however, full payment is due prior to delivery

YES customers and collect and return items to our warehouse in Marcoola by appointment.
Yes, we are trained and accredited restraint professionals (ACRI).
Yes, we will deliver the car seat to the airport and install into the hire car prior to your arrival. We will collect from the airport on your departure. Delivery and installation fees apply
For your convenience we accept VISA, Master Card, and Direct Deposit.
Office hours are: Monday – Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm
                               Saturday & Sunday 9am – 12pm
Equipment must be ready for return by 10am, unless by prior agreement.

Hire with the biggest and the best - see our Sunshine Coast hire list and contact us by phone or email to arrange your order.